Hello there, it’s been a while. I am still alive and around and I wanted to post a short update for quite some time now but…. well… I am doing it now because I do have some good news too! :)
But first … what helped me immensely? Needle felting and of course daily sketchbook practice.
I always knew slow intentional needle felting is a form of meditation and therapy but it took me teaching and holding space in needle felting get-togethers to really, really see the benefits of this practice - especially in others not just me. It really works and I am going to focus on this SO much more now. And I will share more about it here too, now that I am slowly coming back to life.
It’s been a tough few months now finding my footing again. On the outside it didn’t seem like anything but on the inside I was very lost. I am slowly getting myself back, releasing as much as I can and welcoming in the new me - as much as I can because it is just not as simple as it sounds. I wish it was. But it’s also rather painful too and I am dealing with stomach issues and thus food issues and perimenopause and who knows what too so yeah … taking it very slowly, day by day is the prescription I gave myself and I am sticking to it.
I will be changing this space as well as all my other online spaces so my next post might be under a new name - just letting you know in advance. The new me has new ideas :) It’s funny though, it’s the same ideas as always just the energy behind them is different and this is what is making aaaaaall the difference now.
I am actually quite excited about a few things and I hope I’ll have the energy to pursue them and also write about them and share my a-has. Because these things can be quite helpful, no?
Now let me move on to the good news.
My fresh new wall calendar for 2025 happened! :)
I didn’t even expect to make a calendar this year because there was no project happening to give me images to choose from. But. I got inspired to use images from my daily sketchbook practice/play and I said to myself, well… why not? If that’s not real, unedited, raw, unprocessed art then I don’t know what is :) So I put it together and in the photo above you can see all the art in it. There are also two more but those you’ll see if you get the real thing :)
I sure hope you like it as much as I do and order yourself or your friend a bit of magic to hang on your wall and keep you company through out the year. I definitely can’t wait to hold them in my hands!
With all this said, I am now wishing you a peaceful, stress-free December (it’s almost here) and reminding you that you can always pick up needle felting for some extra calming down. If you don’t know how to do it, you can check it on YT or get on Skillshare and join me in one of my 2 needle felting classes there. Yes, I do make videos from time to time too :) I have a few more in mind but I need more energy for this. Soon I hope. Soon.
Wishing you all the best and sending you love and hugs to brighten your day.
I’d also love to hear from you since it’s been a while. Tell me, how are you holding up these days?
With much love,
I am sure ur felted manifestations will be magical 🤩
In my creative world, am feeling full of potential! Just doing and sharing and making sure I have set aside time for self care and deeper work. I am always happy to hear your shoutouts to claim your creativity Nina!