I love getting Jen’s posts in my mailbox as she seems to be so incredibly on time with her topics. If you’re interested, this is what I am referring to:
Weird things have been happening over here lately. It is like the universe is trying to move me into this whole new direction, getting me cool stuff to apply to and making sure I just can’t get to other things. Time is behaving in a really odd way too. I am getting up earlier but ending up with the same amount of free time in the end. It’s really peculiar.
My morning check-in sketchbook pages are still happening but everything else …
Then Elizabeth Guilbert wrote this:
and I was completely blown away. This part in particularly:
“Your servitude was always in the way of your capacity to serve. Your servitude to your addictions, your servitude to people-pleasing, your servitude to trying to control the way others perceive you, your servitude to fear, your servitude to shame, your servitude to your ego and its giant, groping, hungry claw . . . “
It’s as the voices and nudges from my own inner world were seen and verbalized so beautifully that I really, really cannot move past them anymore. I believe it’s really time for me to go on that sabbatical.
So, my dear reader, see you when the time is right for me to drop back in again.
I thank you for sticking out with me so far.
With much love, gratitude and best wishes.
Dear Nina! I only find your entry by chance. I’m not even able to serve anyone or anything. I might have to transform it into not willing to serve anyone or anything in order to feel mentally free and free at heart. This might serve my body as well, in the end. Enjoy your selfservice❣️
Ah Nina! Your little sketched beasties remind me of the Moomintrolls! I still have that letter from Liz in my mailbox, partially read. I love watching her video too. I do think we need to step away and make decisions about our purposeful direction. Our true art deserves our devotion to it and if we are questioning, we need to find out why we are making it. I get this! Stay in touch though!