I’ll start with quite an accomplishment for me. This year I managed to have a go at cross country skiing. My friend explained everything she new and I just went and did it. Then I had an official lesson a day after but I didn’t learn much more there except for one thing. I was all sore but very glad I finally tried it out because it was pretty much exactly like I thought it would be. Sadly the snow melted next week so I’ll be able to try more next year. Unless we get more snow this month (it could happen) or in December. We shall see :)
In other news I am starting to realize that one REALLY needs to set up goals and timetables and do some planning if they want to get stuff done. Why? Because almost four weeks passed and I do not have my new Skillshare class to show you :/
It’s funny because Universe DID provide me with a lot of help and nudges in this planning direction! I bought a lovely class from Jenniebellie called Creative Goal Journaling months ago but only started watching it this week :D Then I listened to this amazing spiritual and inspirational on-line event where planning was mentioned too - but because it happened only last Sunday I am convincing myself that I am right on time :D But yeah, looks like I will have to get myself in some order and do some goal setting. I never really liked planning and if I had a project that’s what I focused on and just did it. But maybe that was the old me and the new me wants to do things differently. It definitely looks and feels like so :D
Are you experiencing shifts in your life too? In your ways of operating and being? Do you still have the same things that light you up? Or did things change for you? Do let me know please, I think I am not the only one being switched around so to speak.
I did start filming though and I made a lot of videos BUT they weren’t the correct ones. The message wasn’t in alignment with what I had to do - I wish I figured that out sooner lol. What came out of all this was a whole new set-up for filming and I am very happy about that so nothing was lost. It took well over a week to pull it off but I now have a camera above my desk and I can start filming whenever I feel like it and can start sharing more on my YouTube channel. It’s sort of scary too since all I ever shared about was my creativity and how to make things but now it seems I am supposed to talk about creativity as a spiritual practice. Which we probably all know about already but …. huh … yeah … it’s a bit out of my comfort zone :) I will tackle it though.
I wasn’t so bad in the e-courses department because I watched a wonderful class on Domestika, by Ema Malyauka called Sketchbook Techniques for Children’s Illustrations. She explained how she goes about taking on a project of drawing all the illustrations for a children’s book and it was a huge revelation to me. It is also applicable to other creative projects like IG feed, brand look and such, so it was one of those 3 in 1 things and I can only recommend it fully.
I am also still watching the before mentioned Creative Goal Journaling class and find it extremely inspiring. I will share how things evolve because of it when I watch it fully and apply all the new knowledge.
We had some really amazing and beautiful Spring like days and I am happy to say we managed to make the most out of them. First balcony lunch of the year and a lovely date in one of the good pizza places happened as well. And the tulips I had on my kitchen table gifted me with the most beautiful “hearts”. I’ve never noticed them before so I was really impressed by their design. Nature sure is gorgeous.
And I joined an art association! It’s happening in Bled, one of my favourite places and I am all excited about all the art that will be made because of this. Will write about it for sure.
There is so much happening that I am a bit overwhelmed but also excited so all is good. I do need to organize myself a bit better though and things will start to run smoother, right? I am glad that my morning sketchbook dates are still going on and that I am keeping up with posting my Monday Notes over here on Substack for everyone to join in and share their art makings. I do wish more people would do so tough. But I guess there’s more writers here than artists. Odd right? :D
Wishing you many happy creative times and see you soon-ish.
With much love,
Look at you go!
I've had a lot of shifts - some thanks to you.. actually, many are thanks to you <3
'New Lisa' coming through.. but she feels like someone I knew before.. years and years and YEARS ago.. I like her.
I'm still doing the daily sketchbook entries and very much enjoying it too. I seem to be posting in the thread sporadically though! I'll get there! Lol
Thank you, Nina